30 Times Amy Schumer Was the Most-Honest Pregnant Celeb Ever
Growing and birthing a baby is a miracle, right? We don’t have to go far to be hit with a steady stream of just how miraculous it all is. But truth be told, it can get a little nauseating, and when you’re pregnant, you’re probably nauseated enough. That’s why hearing about something other than the beauty of it all can be downright refreshing.
Enter actress, comedian and fierce-mama Amy Schumer, who let the world in on, not just the beauty and wonder of her 2019 pregnancy, but the downright painful, debilitating and, yes, barf-worthy parts, too. She routinely shared the ups and downs of pregnancy on her social media platforms, on her Netflix special and anywhere else she got the chance. In typical Schumer form, she stayed every bit as honest as we’ve come to expect, and then some.
Here are 30 things we learned about pregnancy from Schumer (and her “royal” baby boy, Gene Attell Fischer).
You Might Throw Up — a Ton
Throughout Amy Schumer’s pregnancy, she didn’t hide or shy away from her battle with hyperemesis gravidarum (H.G.), a form of severe and often debilitating pregnancy sickness that can last all day and even throughout the entire pregnancy. In fact, she even showed us images and videos of her, mid-puke. And she had to cancel shows starting in February 2019 due to "complications."
While it might’ve been TMI for some, those who have suffered through H.G. (myself included) sincerely appreciated how she chose to, not only acknowledge it, but continuously share what it feels like to be ill for months on end. Typically, we only hear about standard “morning sickness” that is unpleasant, absolutely, but doesn’t really alter one’s ability to live a normal life. Schumer let us in on the nitty gritty of dealing with H.G., educating the masses about something we don’t often see so up close and personal. And we’re grateful for it.
Gross Humor Is Still Funny When You’re Pregnant
In the ads for her Netflix special, "Growing," Schumer let us know just what we were in for. She wouldn’t shy away from the yucky stuff just because she was expecting. I mean, did we really think she would?
In the hilarious video, she pretends to have transformed, saying she’s grown up, she’s more mature now that she’s expecting. Then, she vomits all over her face. Honestly, it’s the perfect introduction, letting us know exactly what to expect from this pregnant celeb.
Being Pregnant Doesn’t Mean You Stop Being You
In the Netflix special, Schumer joked about how women often feel the need to start acting sweet, kind, gentle, happy at every turn once they’re pregnant. “You don’t stop being you just because you’re pregnant. You don’t stop working … or drinking,” she joked in front of a doubled-over audience.
But while pregnancy might make us a little extra sentimental at times, since becoming a parent is a pretty intense experience, it’s true that it shouldn’t change the root of who we are. We evolve, yes. But remembering who we are and what makes us tick is pretty damn important, in pregnancy and beyond.
Everyone Cups Their Belly
Schumer made a habit of pointing out all the silly little things pregnant women get used to doing practically the moment they conceive — like cupping their bellies constantly and in every photo.
She joked about it on her special but admitted that she gave into the tradition, too. Plenty of photos can be captured of Schumer doing the same exact thing. Maybe it’s for laughs, but maybe it’s instinctual.
Cravings Can Come at Any Time
This video of Schumer with powdered sugar all over her face, devouring what appears to be a pastry in New Orleans, is laugh-out-loud hilarious.
But she’s right on the money that pregnancy cravings come calling, and sometimes, there is no arguing with what your baby wants to eat.
Donuts (and Cake) Really Do Happen a Lot
Pregnancy is hard work!
It’s not all relaxing and eating donuts … but donuts really do happen maybe more than we’d like to admit. We love this hilariously creepy cake that Schumer shared from her sister-in-law.
Oh, and Hemorrhoids Happen, Too
It’s a pregnancy truth that usually gets left unsaid. But not when Schumer is the pregnant lady in question. She made more than a few jokes about the pregnancy traditions we know so well — like the rite of passage of everyone wanting to know the sex of the baby.
But Schumer had a bit of a different response to the “What are you having?” question. “Hemorrhoids,” she joked to a doubled-over audience. Oh, it’s funny ‘cause it’s true.
Belly Button or Bust
In the beginning of “Growing,” Schumer discusses another pregnancy problem that women know very well. The belly button issue. Her belly button had taken on a new form, she told us, and, well, showed us.
Lifting up her dress and letting the audience (and everyone watching at home) see her Bandaid-clad belly button was a total moment of truth, and comic gold.
You Can Still Be an Activist
On her special, Schumer didn’t shy away from anything, even politics. The star, who has become more political in recent years, recounted her arrest in October 2018 while protesting Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation in D.C. When people asked her why she was going even though she was pregnant, she said, “I wanted to show this kid I did everything I could do.”
She certainly showed the world that being pregnant won’t stop women from standing up for their beliefs.
Having a Supportive Partner Is Amazing
Throughout her pregnancy, Schumer gave shout-outs to her new husband, Chris Fischer, for being amazingly supportive during her ups and downs. She talked about him at length in “Growing,” sharing details about their relationship, how beautiful he makes her feel and what a loving partner he is.
He’s also a chef, which is basically a pregnant woman’s dream come true. While a partner isn’t necessary to have a baby, and women can certainly rock it out on their own, Schumer is spot-on that being supported while doing the hard work of growing a baby can do wonders for the pregnant-mama soul.
Strong Is Beautiful
When Amy shared this image with the caption, “Feeling strong and beautiful today #didntpuke,” some media outlets thought she was making a joke.
She was quick to correct them because there’s nothing funny about it — sometimes feeling strong and capable is the ultimate way to embrace your pregnancy beauty.
Doing Simple Tasks Can Be Hard
Who knew putting on socks could feel like the most exhausting morning workout you never ever asked for?
Leave it to Schumer to create a hilarious tutorial about how “easy” it can be.
No Two Pregnant Bodies Look Alike
“You know who it’s not fun to be pregnant the exact same time as? Meghan Markle!” Schumer said on her comedy special.
While she was a great sport about being at the exact same point in her pregnancy as the Duchess of Sussex, who was always dressed, well, like a royal, and looked spry and petite throughout her pregnancy, it probably wasn’t all that fun. It’s a great reminder to us mere mortals that pregnancy looks completely different from body to body.
You Can Be a Fashionista or Say F*%$ It
Markle or not, women often want to dress to impress, even throughout pregnancy. Luckily, Schumer has a fashion line, Le Cloud, which was inspired by her very own aspiration to have garments that “feel like a cloud.” The clothes are fashionable and comfortable, so they are perfect for pregnancy, lazy days or even meetings.
But other times, you just want to wear literally anything to go for a walk, like maternity pants pulled up over you half-hanging out bump. And ya know what? Pregnancy rules say: Anything goes.
You Will Have No Idea What You’re Doing
One of the biggest truths about being pregnant, which Schumer had no qualms about revealing in “Growing,” is the feeling that you’ll have absolutely no idea what you’re getting into.
You can read all of the pregnancy books and every article that graces the internet, and buy all the best products. But no matter what you do, embracing the fact that you really won’t know what’s what until baby comes is probably the best rule of thumb. And even then, you’re learning as you go.
And It Doesn’t Help That Everyone Will Give Different Answers to the Same Question
Everyone has a different opinion on just about everything when it comes to pregnancy. That’s why Schumer quipped that she asked multiple friends how much wine it was OK to have until she got the desired response!
But while people get high-and-mighty on everything baby-related, the good news is, if there’s no exact right answer then, as long as you’re doing your best, it’s hard to screw up too badly.
Pregnancy Can Be Really Hard (and Most People Lie About It)
Another point Schumer made sure to touch on in her Netflix special was how downright hard pregnancy can be. But like Schumer, many women don’t expect it to be quite so hard going in. “Because all you bull*&^%*&%s lie!” she joked.
But there’s truth to the fact that we could all use a little more real talk when it comes to pregnancy. That way, women have a better idea what to expect and don’t feel completely shocked by the realities.
You Have to Keep a Sense of Humor
Whether you’re a comedian or not, going through a challenging pregnancy isn’t easy. In fact, women who have suffered through the same H.G. condition as Schumer commonly report feelings of depression.
The condition can be extremely isolating, not to mention it’s incredibly hard to be so sick for such an extended period of time. If watching Schumer’s pregnancy taught us anything at all, it’s that keeping a sense of humor, even in the toughest times, is crucial to stay sane.
Sometimes You Have to Power Through
It’s not unlikely that, while there are some perks to being a pregnant celeb, ya know, like top doctors and all, there are also immense challenges. When Schumer appeared on her Netflix special, she talked about how people are always telling her just how strong she was to show up on stage, night after night, regardless of how truly awful she was feeling (or how much she puked right before coming on stage). But Schumer shot back: “I’m contractually obligated to be here, guys,” she said, likely not joking, adding, “I will literally be sued by Live Nation.”
No doubt, if she had the option, she would’ve been posted up. Like all pregnant ladies know, though, sometimes you have to power through no matter how miserable you are.
But It’s OK to Step Back
While powering through is sometimes necessary, Schumer also knew when to take a step back. Too often, pregnancy issues that can alter your life aren’t talked about like the serious issues they can be. We tend to imagine that all pregnancies are created equal and that women are able to go about their lives as normal for all 40 weeks.
When Schumer cancelled the rest of her tour dates and shared what she was going through with fans on Instagram, she stood up for her right to do just that. In the process, she let other expecting mothers know that it’s OK to do what your body needs and take a step back.
Not All Pregnancy Books Are Created Equal
Pregnant women need quality reading material. But not all pregnancy books are worth a read. During her 40 weeks of pregnancy, Schumer let us know about some of her faves, giving a special shout-out to “Expecting Better” by Emily Oster, which she says “got her through her pregnancy,” because of its evidence-based look at gestation.
The follow-up book, Cribsheet, was on Schumer’s reading list, too.
TV Can Be Your Friend
If you're on bed rest, TV can certainly be your best friend. Throughout her pregnancy, Schumer gave shout-outs to some of the shows she was watching, like “Homecoming” by Beyonce, “Shrill” and “Period. End of Sentence.”
She also says during her pregnancy she discovered the show “Catastrophe,” which is a hilarious, yet realistic look at unexpected family life and no doubt, a perfect binge-worthy pregnancy-watch.
Pregnancy Alters Your Sex Drive
You might be extra interested in sex. Or, you might want your partner to keep their hands off of you, especially towards the end of pregnancy. Schumer joked that she tried to nudge her doctor to say it was in her best interest to stay away from having sex when she just wasn’t feeling in the mood.
The truth is, from changing hormones to the simple pull of gravity, sometimes sex is the last thing on our pregnant brains. Sorry, partners. Baby-making isn't easy.
It’s Good to Get in Some Practice
Schumer shared this Instagram gem just a month or so before she gave birth.
If you have friends who are new mothers, it never hurts to visit and get some real-life experience before the babe comes.
Pregnancy Can Feel Long AF
While a typical pregnancy lasts from 38 weeks to 42 weeks, sometimes, it feels like an eternity. Especially if you haven’t had an easy pregnancy, like Schumer, making a baby can feel long, hard and exhausting.
Luckily, her baby was born pretty soon after this image was shared. Phew!
Doulas Are Worth Their Weight in Gold
Following her birth, Schumer gave an Instagram shout-out to her doula, who she credited with helping her feel comforted and supported throughout her pregnancy and birth.
Doulas are known to have tons of benefits, like reducing the rate of unnecessary interventions like c-sections. But the support alone can feel calming during the immense challenge of delivering a baby.
Other Women Are Always Willing to Help
Yes, Schumer acknowledged the people who helped her along the way, like her doula and her supportive partner.
But she also gave a special shout-out to women in general. Because the truth is, women are a force with endless knowledge about what we all go through during pregnancy. Schumer says women were always willing to help her. “I felt all their strength,” she said, which is truly a beautiful thing.
Every Baby Is ‘Royal’
In her May 2019 birth announcement post, Schumer shared a photo of her new baby with the caption “Our royal baby was born.”
The birth happened shortly before Meghan Markle and Prince Harry welcomed their baby to the world, which, of course, got tons of press. But Schumer knew her baby’s birth was every bit as important as the royal baby’s. And with a truth-telling-feminist-comedy-queen like her for a mom, why wouldn’t it be?
Going Back to Work Is OK
This is especially true, considering Schumer had to cancel her tour dates three whole months before her due date. But, like clockwork, two weeks after her birth, Schumer faced some serious heat for going back to work too early.
Her response was priceless: an Instagram photo of her breast pumping with the caption, "Sending out love to the moms shaming me for doing standup last night!"
The Newborn Stage Is Bananas
Truths be told, we couldn’t agree with this more.