Burgers are the perfect backyard-barbecue food — but they come with a lot of pressure to pick just the right burger topping.
When you get it right — cheese for flavor, tomato for color, pickles for attitude, mustard and ketchup for style, sliced avocado if you’re fancy — the result is spectacular. But add just one lousy flavor, and the whole thing is ruined. RUINED!
And no, we’re not being dramatic.
Here’s our opinion on the best and worst burger toppings to help you avoid a catastrophe at your next barbecue.
60. Jam

mariannehoy / Getty Images
Any type of jam — whether it be strawberry, blueberry, grape, raspberry, whatever — does not belong on a burger. At least not by itself.
Boston Burger Company does it again with a tribute to jam on The Sophie, topped with prosciutto, goat cheese, candied walnuts, fig jam and mixed greens, which at least makes things a little less scary.
And fine, we’ll also accept bacon jam on a burger.