Hysterical Memes Your Kids Want You to Know
Let’s face it: Parents aren’t that clued in about memes. Memes play a part in spreading information, but they also provide comic relief. And today’s youth does a very good job of using them to perfectly encapsulate the things their parents do that they find either funny or downright annoying.
Here are terrific examples of memes that anyone with parents will find relatable. Some will speak to every generation, while others speak to specifically the children of 2020. Either way, they’re certainly worth a read to get a glimpse into this younger perspective of family life.
Cue a Lecture in 3, 2, 1…
Ever tried telling your parents a joke or something funny that happened to you or a friend? You know how they invariably end — in a lecture or explanation about all the things that can go wrong with said joke and how you should be more aware.
The result: The joke was turned into a teachable moment and was ultimately ruined for life!
Seven Seconds to a Lie
It’s difficult growing up with strict parents. You have a curfew for sleep, but smart kid that you are, you are still awake one-hour later, knee-deep in Tumblr.
And then you hear the sudden click of your door and have those precious few seconds in which you have to hide your phone and assume the quickest sleeping posture.
School is always a struggle. Add it to the expectations from parents about getting the best marks in every test, and the pressure can be immense.
One mistake in a test can bring on lectures about not being serious about studies, comparisons with the cleverest person in school and, of course, some form of punishment.
Evil Device
Speaking of punishments, there is usually just one: Take away the phone. Parents seem to think that the phone is the root cause of everything wrong in a child’s life.
The simplest solution is to take it away. Little do they know, there are so many other technologies to use!
It’s All Relative
It could be a cultural thing, but is there anything worse than parents forcing you to talk to other relatives on the phone or on Skype? The desultory greeting, the annoyingly personal questions (studies if you are young, marriage if you are older), the monosyllabic answers you tend to give while they go on about knowing you when you were a baby.
The generation gap never felt huger! Parents, we don’t want to talk to any random distant relative. Just say hello for us.
A Waste of Time
Talking about relatives. Ever had to attend a party, wedding or just about any event at a distant relative’s house? You can think of a dozen better things you would rather do with those precious few hours.
To your parents, friends are the bad influence and a waste of time. Being with boring, distant family on the other hand? That’s good for you!
(Don’t) Swipe Right
The terror is real. Hand over your phone to a parent for a second, and it disappears into a black hole. You watch scandalized as they swipe through your pictures, hoping against hope that you don’t get a personal message or worse, picture from the boyfriend or girlfriend.
At the same time, you’re trying to remember all the pictures on your phone and wondering if they were any controversial (re: guaranteed parental disapproval) ones. Just hand the phone back, Dad!
Bragging Rights
It’s lovely when parents talk up their kids and their achievements in front of others. They are so proud, and you are so grateful for their support.
Then suddenly, they drop a fantastical and wholly untrue line, and you don’t know where to look. What if someone finds out the truth? Next time, stick to the facts, Mom!
Fashion Comes Last
Let’s face it: You and your mom’s style will never match. Ever. It won’t stop her from buying you clothes throughout your life, even if they’re ugly or too big (according to you).
If you tell her that, though, she will feel bad, so it’s best to go along with it and donate the clothes to charity in a couple months.
You’re Next!
If there’s one thing youngsters hate about old people, it’s their ability to get away with saying anything.
You’ve been brought up to respect them even if you don’t agree with them. But if they annoy you, there are some ways of getting back!
Mi Casa Es Su Casa?
In many cultures, it’s not unusual to find young adults or teenagers still living with their parents. It’s cost-effective, it saves you time and effort, and as your parents age, you can look after them.
So what if you hear the occasional odd comment from them? At least you don’t have to pay rent.
A Door, What’s That?
If you thought that having a room with a door would give you privacy, you are wrong. After all, if you don’t open the door or respond as soon as a parent knocks, they will fear the worst and come charging in anyways.
It’s simply best to prepare for this immediate reaction instead of complaining about it.
What Is This Technology?
Something wrong with a computer? Your parent has a surefire way to fix it: Just jab at the keys or double click.
It doesn’t matter that they accidentally ordered a dozen shoelaces or accidentally logged into a porn site — at least the computer isn’t hanging anymore.
Suspicious Minds
Want to freak out your parents? Smile — the wider and creepier the better.
It immediately gets their minds ticking: What did you do wrong, are you on drugs or, the worst, what will they have to pay for now?!
It’s a Sacrifice
Being a parent is a big deal: You have to teach a little person how to live, provide for them and shield them from the world around.
Their intentions are always protective, even if they don’t admit it.
Must Sleep
Sleep is a big deal, just not at night.
If school is so important, why is it right in the middle of the best sleeping time?
Not Everything Is About the Phone
Yeah, we get it that parents think phones are bad for teenagers.
But making every bad thing the fault of these devil devices is a blow to their credibility.
How We Learn
A picture is worth a thousand words. What? I should write those words down?
Math Confusion
What kind of strange magic is this? A confounded spell?
Oh, Yeah, Class
We've all done it. The teacher's voice was so soothing, we were transported to another place.
Then you have to pretend you were following along all the time. How did all that writing get on the board?
How Many Maths Are There?
Sometimes math teachers lack a sense of creativity with problem-solving.
And why "show your work" all the time? What's that about?
This Could Be Bad
For some reason, most light switches are not next to beds.
Ever wondered why?
Sibling Love
Yes, we'll admit it. There is a gleeful joy when we see a chance to upset those closest to us.
We have to grow up with them, we might love them, but we also love to annoy them!
Talk Back
Well, even if it's not a good idea to say every thought that comes into your head, you wish you could.
Logic, it seems, is wasted on adults.