Even Eleven Would Laugh at These Funny 'Stranger Things' Memes
"Stranger Things" premiered on Netflix in July 2016, and the science fiction horror drama became an instant hit. The show follows a group of 1980s outcast middle schoolers in the hellish suburbs of an Indiana small town who find a girl with superpowers and fight monsters from another dimension. Oh, and evil Russians.
Sound ridiculous? Definitely. Is the show better than anyone could've imagined? A thousand times, yes. In fact, you can thank "Stranger Things" for helping make the '80s cool again for a whole new generation. The show now has become a global phenomenon.
These hilarious "Stranger Things" memes will make you laugh until your belly hurts. Just beware of major spoilers ahead!
They Really Think Having a Clean Room Will Ruin Their Lives
Every teenager deserves the "Best Actor" Oscar.
OK, Who's Been Spying on Us on the Weekend?
The less you know about your kid's messy lives, the more soundly you'll sleep.
We Always Have the Best Comebacks ... Six Years Later
Why must you betray us like this, brain?
Steve Is Really Coming Into His Own
We read that the "Stranger Things" producers loved this actor-character combo so much that they decided not to write him out of the show after the first season.
And we're very grateful for that.
We'll Never Be Able to Unsee This
Hold on, we're canceling our family trip to Australia.
Someone's Got to Keep the Lights On
In this economy? Run and get your money's worth, dad.
No Lie, This Is Pretty Much What Happens in Season 3
Overprotective dads can be a disruptive force of nature.
But We'll Never Let Go
And yet we remember each detail of the first three seasons as if it were yesterday.
That Metal Box Can Be So Judgemental
What else are we supposed to do when we're binge-watching "Stranger Things"?
Most Delicious Product Placement Ever
We're not gonna lie. "Stranger Things" Season 1 had us craving for Eggos.
Word to the Wise
Father really does know best.
S4: Heartbroken Suburban Mom Stuck in a Rut
We'd Still Binge It in a Day
It's nice to see their hairstyle and clothes never change.
We Can Forgive Lying, But Using Your Nana? That Crosses a Line
He deserved to be dumped for the utter disrespect.
Well, That's One Way to Do It
We prefer eating ice cream.
Ha! We Didn't Even Get Slurpees While We Waited
Though we would've definitely taken one as a bribe for waiting.
And Then We're Forced to Never Go There Again
Why are we like this?
True Friends Know You But Still Love You
Are they warning people or boasting about you?
Some People Just Don't Respect Art
And by people we mean Nancy.
She Ended Up Being Right Though
We only wish we trusted our instincts as much as Joyce does.
And All So That They Can Say They'd Rather Watch 'Stranger Things' Than Hang Out With You
It will all be worth it in the end, though ... right? Right?!
Meh, Diets Are Never Worth It Anyways
More like, trying to find the will to not hit "play next episode" while watching "Stranger Things."
And Yet We Keep on Doing It
They say hope is the last thing we lose.
Who Plays Dad Better?
Dustin's relationships really are our favorites.
We Admire His Commitment to the Game
All he wanted was a little game of Dungeons and Dragons.
The Casting Person Needs an Emmy
Who did the '80s better? Real-life Winona or fictional Will?
We wanna say Winona because we love her, but Will did get kidnapped by a monster from another dimension, so that's hard to beat.
Is It the Other Users on Your Netflix Account?
Will these "friends" force us to hit pause and actually leave the house? If so, hard pass.
Sorry, Netflix and Marvel, Now We Actually Need This Crossover
We support whatever side Hopper is in.
We All Know That One Friend and Their One Dog
And we have the scars to prove it.
That's Between Us and Netflix
At least they're not asking how many times we've seen Season 1.
The Writers Really Said, Let's Make Everyone Wrong About Him
We'll just come out and say it: Steven deserves better.
Gotta Love That Whacky Aunt
It's really not that hard to understand, people!
It's the Demogorgon Message for Us
We wouldn't appreciate someone setting us on fire, either.
When There's a Will There's a Way
Save this and remember this the next time that person tries to reappear in your life.
Was This Random? Yes. Would We Buy This Tape? Also Yes.
We would also like to point out Suzie's pajamas.
That's How It Works, Right?
With the number of waffles we've consumed in our lifetime, those powers should be coming any day now.
We'll Be in Our Room Until 2085
Except we do something embarrassing at least twice a day.
And Your Friends Always Took Foreeever to Wake Up
Pro tip: Splash them with enough water to wake them up, but not so much that they'll notice you splashed them with water.
'Stranger Things' Did It Better
Though a copyright legal battle might be necessary.
We Always Applaud a Good Pun
Moving to Hawkins. Pros: Guaranteed glow-up. Cons: A demon may very possibly kill you.
We're With Eleven on This
Sometimes, it's just not fair.
Cast Leo in 'Stranger Things,' Please!
He is always great as a bad guy.
Donkey Would Definitely Be a 'Stranger Things' Fan
But Lord Farquaad probably wouldn't. Don't be a Lord Farquaad.
We Know Dart Saved Them and All, But We'll Never Forgive This
Poor, innocent Mews.
Listen, It's Not Easy Being a Teenage Girl
Let alone one with superpowers and a bad haircut.
When Someone Catches You on a Midnight Cheese Binge
No one can judge us.
Maybe If He Had Made a Song About It
Plot twist: In "Stranger Things: Season 4," everyone gets right back into D&D the minute Will leaves.
We Try to Hide the Pain
Those aunties at Thanksgiving dinner go straight for the jugular.
They'll Never Catch On
We may not have Eleven's superpowers, but we'll camouflage like we're army trained.
If the Mountain Escapes You, Leave Your World and Try to Drag It Back in
You gotta admire its sense of commitment.
Why Hasn't This Spin-Off Been Made Yet?
To be fair, Bel-Air is just as scary as the Upside Down.
We'll Never Recover from Season 3
And, apparently, neither did the characters in Season 4.
It'll Never Not Be Impressive
When we stan, we stan for life.
And Any Other Season That Comes Out
Let's hope Netflix doesn't make us wait another three years for the next one.
Speaking the Truth
And how do we get this job?
Anyone Who Says They Saw This Coming Is a LIAR
This "Stranger Things 4" themed Spiderman meme is the definition of perfection.
A Valuable Life Lesson
It's all fun and games until you realize the sweet ally you helped is actually a deranged psychopath.
Monster or Hero?
You know he's a real supervillain when he purposefully decided to interrupt a school break instead of mid-terms.
Imagine Dying Because *You* Don't Know Your Favorite Song
BRB, we gotta do some soul searching so we can decide before Vecna comes for us.
Yup, That Pretty Much Sums it Up
We're still crying over Max's Spongebob moment.
Quick, Someone Play Him 'As it Was'!
Though, actually, that song is what tipped Vecna off that Harry was going through something.
9 Months in Hawkins = 6 Years in the Rest of the World
It's either something in the water or the stress of being attacked by monsters from another world every single school break.
We Will Never Be Without Headphones Again
Vecna would get us in about three seconds.
To Be Fair, Peanut Butter Is Life
This is how we eat it, and we haven't been to in Russian prison for months.
Will's Haircut Is the Actual Villain of the Story
If Will had changed that horrible bowl cut, they would've defeated all the evil things in the Upside Down by now.
More "Stranger Things" stories to check out: