Middle Child Memes Your Big Sister Will Never Get
Being the oldest child means you have the most responsibility, but also the most power. Being the youngest means you're the permanent baby of the family. No one takes you seriously, but you can also get away with murder. Every middle child, however, has a super power: invisibility.
Parents inevitably are the hardest on their firstborn and have a soft spot for their youngest. The kids in the middle? Well, they tend to become the family mediators, because they don't have any other option. On the upside, they end up becoming easy-going, fair and trustworthy friends. Don't hate on the middle children you know, because they've likely gotten the short end of the stick their entire childhood. These middle child memes give you a taste of what it's really like being stuck in the middle.
Being the Middle Child Is a Little Like Not Existing
We didn't even know National Middle Child Day existed. It's on August 12th every year, and we didn't have a clue. Step it up, siblings, and mark your calendars for next year.
Speaking of Which...
This is basically like sharing your birthday with Christmas. If your due date is around August 12th, moms-to-be, can you just like...hold 'em in for an extra day? You know, just in case you decide to have three kids. Your middle kiddo deserves a special day to finally get some attention.
His Face Says It All
The oldest looks so proud to have another minion to lead. The middle child knows that means he just got demoted to a second class minion.
There's a Grain of Truth in This One
Obviously, parents love all their children. Giving them all equal amounts of attention is a different story. The oldest is the most capable and the youngest needs the most care. The middle one is just sort of...there.
It's Not All Bad, Though
Sure, middle children don't get as much attention, but that also means they can get away with more than the oldest or youngest child.
At Some Point, Being Forgotten Is No Longer Surprising
Still depressing, but not shocking. Remembering your kid's birthday seems like an awfully low bar to meet. Even the busiest of parents can do better.
Middle Children, We Have Questions
Going by this example, there are, presumably, four children. That leaves two kids in the middle. Are both middle children on the same playing field? Is there a hierarchy? Who gets kicked out of movie night in this case?
If It's Any Consolation, There's Science Behind the Plight of the Middle Child
The serial position effect is, unfortunately, a real psychological phenomenon. Human memory is influenced by the position of information in a sequence. For example, if your partner rattles off a list of eggs, milk, apples, bananas, bread and pickles, they're most likely to remember the eggs and milk.
The info in the middle gets blurry. It also applies, to a lesser extent, to kids. The first and the last children are the most "obvious" to the parental brain.
On the Upside, You're Always the Best Part of the Sandwich
Sandwich, cookie, taco, whatever. You're the filling. Your older and younger siblings are just the bread. Boring. Bland. Imagine a taco with just the shell. Technically edible, but is it really a taco? Hell no. It's depression on a plate, which is exactly what your family would be like if you weren't there to fill it out and add some flavor.
Being the Hottest in the Family Always Helps
This one's the luck of the draw, but it certainly seems like middle children end up winning the lottery on this one.
Even the Cat Gets More Attention Than Middle Children
Blame your parents. It's not the cat's fault.
The Dog Is Higher in the Household Pecking Order Too
To be fair, the dog isn't more loved. It's simply more noticed, because poop in the hallway is hard to ignore.
Do Siblings Really Gang Up on the Middle Kid Thaaat Much?
When we were growing up, it was the youngest who got ganged up on the most. They always got last pick in every game, but family dynamics seem to vary on a case by case basis.
Listen to Who?
Sorry, did you say something? We couldn't hear you over the oldest arguing with your mom, and the youngest throwing a tantrum.
The Best Part of Being a Middle Child?
You have the best survival skills in the entire family because you've basically been on your own since your younger sibling came home from the hospital. Congrats on being the most functional member of the family. The most traumatized, but the most functional. And probably the best-looking, too.