These Funny Texts From Moms Prove Parenting Can Be Fun
If moms took a day off, the world would end immediately. They're basically superheroes, but even superheroes have their weaknesses. If the Achilles heel of moms is anything, it's texting.
Funny mom texts come in all shapes and sizes, from not knowing the latest lingo to delivering brutal roasts to their own flesh and blood. Parenting is tough, so we hope these hilarious moms brighten your day.
Stand Aside, Folks. She’s a Professional
A masterfully done mom text. Someone send her an award.
Other effective tactics for getting a teenager's attention include shutting off the Wi-Fi and hugging them in public.
Um, Ouch?
We're unsure if she was trying to be nice or drop a hint, but it's funny either way.
When You Can Find Any Missing Household Object, but You Miss the Point
It could be worse.
The sign you really have mom brain is when you frantically dig through your purse in search of the phone you're currently talking on.
I Mean, She Did Say It
It's called setting boundaries, kids. Look it up.
Well That’s Fantastic!
Hopefully, most moms today know common abbreviations.
Millennial parents definitely wouldn't have made this mistake, but if your kid starts dropping words like "cap" or "slay," we can't help you.
Jokes Are Even Funnier When They’re Right
In this edition of funny texts from moms, we see A) a sense of humor and B) support.
We give this a 10/10 for exemplary mom texting.
Someone Take Her Phone Away Before She Hurts Herself
If you've never gotten a drunk text from your mom, you're missing out.
They make zero sense, but they're somehow funny and wholesome anyway.
Anyone Else Still Have an AOL Email Address?
According to moms, the "g" in Gmail is as irrelevant as your philosophy degree.
She's only right about one of those.
Come Again?
Kid: Maurice Sendak died.
Mom: Cool. Have some animals.
LOL. Death.
Uncle Joe is not going to be happy.
How many family reunions have gone up in flames thanks to misguided texts from moms, do you think?
Way to Break the News Over Text
Moms: Loving you unconditionally, whether you're exploring your sexuality or just stopping by.
Unconditional love coupon expiration date: never.
Yoga: Now a Cult
Don't moms usually like yoga? We do.
According to this mom text thread, it's much more sinister than we realized. Slowly eases out of downward dog...
Nothing Harmful About Being Proactive
Except for harming your ego.
That might never bounce back, but if moms don't knock you down a peg once in a while, who will?
'I Can’t Talk Now' Doesn’t Apply to Your Mother
According to her, at least.
Since we're the ones who brought you into this world, though, expecting you to give us all the deets of your latest date seems like a reasonable ask.
Finally, a Text From a Mom Who Knows What She’s Doing
We're not sure who this mom is or where she lives, but if you're out there reading this, we love you.
This mom text is going down in history as one of the best roasts by a parent ever. You're a legend.
Abbreviations don't always mean what you think they mean.
Anyone could have made this mistake if they happen to live under a social media-free rock.
Wink Wink, If You Know What I Mean
Except no one does. How does that look even remotely like a winky face?
Texting and Driving Is Bad, but This Might Be Worse
Texting from the toilet isn't that bad, unless you tell the person about it.
Considering this woman changed your diapers, though, cut her some slack.
Moms Might Not Be the Best at Texting, but They’re Pros at Roasting Their Offspring
Good job, mom. Taking down misogyny one text at a time.
What word was she trying to type, though? Was it butt? Maybe it was butt.
Ugh, autocorrect won't let us type butt. Butt. Tech support, a little help?
Don’t You Love When Your Parents Think You Control the Internet?
Or when they hand you a 10-pound laptop made in 2008 that displays nothing but a blue screen of death. When you break the news that you can't fix it, they accuse you of not wanting to help them.
If moms had as much confidence in our career and fashion choices as they do in our technical aptitude, our self-esteem would be through the roof.
You’d Think the Word ‘Space’ Would Be a Hint, but No
YOLO Is More Ominous Than We Remembered
Dark. We like it.
Lastly, a Token Dad Text for Good Measure
Kids, if you're reading this, just remember: If you think your mom's texting habits are bad, your dads are so much worse. Count your blessings and don't leave her on read.
For more funny and helpful parenting stories, keep reading on FamilyMinded: